Thursday, 31 May 2012

Healthy Cupcakes?

So we all know its summer time and we want to keep our calories to a minimum. Well I found out you can have your cake and eat it to. So I do enjoy baking and love cupcakes but I want everyone looking good in their bathing suits. Thats why I made it the healthy way and maybe added a vegetable. Check out my photos!
 {the frosting}

 {Might be a vegetable}

{My neighbors enjoying the cupcakes}

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Grad Party

Yesterday I enjoyed one of the best graduation party's anyone could ever have. Sharing it with my lovely Norwegian was just perfect! I had one of my oldest best friends and one of my newest come it was the best. Looking good came with the price of sore feet at the end of the day. I couldn't of asked for any better and I'm glad so many people could come party with me.

{Breanna left known since 3rd and Brittany right since 10th}

 {Brittany, Lene, Breanna, Me}

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

2012 Graduation

So 22 May 2012 at 5 o'clock Lene and I graduated! We made it through an entire senior year. I think Lene had an amazing time because they don't get this kind of graduation in Norway. We say a goodbye video and had out names pronounced correctly.

Monday, 21 May 2012


I am decorating my cap for graduation tomorrow. Since we are the tigers I thought the 12 would be perfect for that. Hope all goes well!

Saturday, 19 May 2012


Had such an amazing time with some cool people at grad night in Disneyland. Up until 5 am just to enjoy the last few days as seniors was AMAZING! I almost wish I could do it all over again which would be awesome. Buying my Disney 2012 cap was cool and I will never forget such a fun day. Thanks!

{PS sorry about the quality of the photos wasn't allowed to bring my Nikon so I used my iPhone and my moms panasonic.}

Friday, 18 May 2012

Flying in...

Lenes dad and step mom arrived yesterday to visit her from NORWAY! Well they wanted to be here for her american graduation and what a perfect idea. They drove from LAX came picked up Lene so they could do universals today. Well they brought some prezzies for us and I also gave them a present. Ronny and Pia are super nice and I am glad I got to meet them.