Since theres nothing much here available in the department of summer fun today I thought how about a flash back. Everyone has the photos when they were 13 and thought they were so cool; well now they haunt some of the best photos from traveling.
I was that kid who thought she was looking good in photos until I looked back after 5 years and decided... eh not so much. So I have decided to share some photos from some of my best traveling experiences for the last 5 years or so.
{Left is summer 2008; Right is summer 2010}
{Left is March 2010; Right is April 2012 }
{Left is Paris summer 2008; Right is Spain summer 2010}
{Florence summer 2011}
{Isle of Capri summer 2011}
{Barcelona summer 2011}
{Shakespeares house summer 2010}
{Gorge du Tarn summer 2011}
{Rome summer 2011}