Friday, 26 October 2012


Today I made craisin scones, oatmeal cookies, and  almond biscotti's topped with Nutella. Wearing my brand new french club tee I accomplished to finish it all without getting dirty! Well enjoy the picky!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Shephards Pie for Mary and Me....

I decided last week the only way to use frozen peas was to make a shepherds pie! Mary had never had shepherds pie so she followed my lead on how to eat it. The correct way is to mush everything together to resemble baby food and to top with a thick sauce. Feels like home! 
PS Mary and I killed half the pie... whoops.

Sunday, 7 October 2012


So for the day dad and I drove to Julian to enjoy the apple days. They had a cute apple festival that we checked out and many was it little. We then enjoyed the town of Julian with its old western feel that came from about 100 years ago. I then enjoyed a nice slice of apple and boysenberry crumb pie with a nice scoop of ice cream on the side. Now to go home and have some more with a spot of custard.